9 Reasons Getting Away for the Weekend Is Good for Your Mental Health


A quick trip is less stressful than a long vacation and can boost your creativity.

Weekend trips can be better for your mood than long vacations.
If you'd like to take a vacation to get away from the stresses of work, the nation’s rancorous politics or just to catch up on your sleep but aren't prepared to take a substantial amount of time off, you should still consider a brief getaway, experts say. A weekend trip can boost your mental and emotional health, says Jonathan Alpert, a psychotherapist in New York City and author of "Be Fearless: Change Your Life in 28 Days." In fact, short getaways, such as a trip to the beach or to the mountains over a long weekend, are in many ways preferable to longer vacations, he says. "From an emotional and well-being perspective, smaller vacations pack a bigger punch than longer ones," he says. "A small amount of planning and time away can reap large rewards."
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